Amaresiphi angama-51 Ahamba phambili e-Ina Garten Aso Sonke Isikhathi

Amagama Amahle Kakhulu Ezingane

Ake sibhekane nakho: Asisoze saneliseka ngesithixo sethu kuzo zonke izinto zokupheka nokuphila, i-Barefoot Contessa ebabazekayo, i-Ina Garten. Ngakho-ke faka inkinobho yakho ephansi ye-chambray, thatha isipuni sokhuni bese upheqa izindlela zethu zokupheka eziyi-51 eziyintandokazi ze-Ina Garten zaso sonke isikhathi.

OKUhlobene: Izinto eziyi-18 obungazazi nge-Ina Garten

inarecipe1 I-Shutterbean

1. Inkukhu Piccata

I-crunchy ne-zesty, uzofuna imizuzwana. Futhi okwesithathu.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe2 I-Quentin Bacon/Barefoot Contessa Buyela Eziyisisekelo

2. Lobster Corn Chowder

Phequlula ibhodwe lesobho lika-Ina elimnandi, eliwumlingo nganoma yisiphi isikhathi sonyaka.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe3 Clara Persis

3. I-Parmesan I-Broccoli Egazingiwe

KULUNGILE, zithandi ze-broccoli, zama le recipe futhi usitshele ukuthi awukayithandi. Siyakulokotha.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe4 Ukudla Gal

4. Isobho likatamatisi elilula kanye namaCroutons oshizi othosiwe

Yebo, ufunda lokho ngendlela efanele. Eyosiwe. Ushizi. Ama-Croutons. Futhi ba ekhazimulayo .

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 13 Amaresiphi Oshizi Owakhulile Oyimbongolo

inarecipe5 I-Pink Parsley

5. Yenza Phambili Imbuzi Ushizi Amazambane Agayiwe

Isizathu #764 sifana no-Ina: Sithanda iresiphi enhle yokwenza phambili. Pheka lokhu manje ukuze uthole isidlo sakusihlwa sakusasa.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe6 Inethiwekhi Yokudla

6. Easy Mac kanye Ushizi

Ungakwazi ukupheqa lokhu kunambitheka okubhakiwe kuze kube ngaphansi kwehora. Ina, uyiqhawe lethu.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe7 I-Stone Gable

7. Inkukhu Eyosiwe Ephelele

Psst, lena iresiphi eyintandokazi kaJeffrey. Uyidla njalo ngoLwesihlanu ebusuku.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Izinto eziyi-13 u-Ina Garten Angakutshelanga Ngomyeni Wakhe uJeffrey

inarecipe8 Ingcosana Yezinongo

8. Ikhekhe Lemon Yogurt

Futhi alikho ibhotela. Ngoba i-Ina ibheke i-cholesterol yakho.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe9 Kancane Ophukile

9. I-Lasagna yaseTurkey

Isikwele esisodwa futhi uzobanjwa.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Isayensi Isanda Kuqinisekisa Ukuthi Ukudla I-Pasta Akukhuluphali Empeleni

inarecipe10 U-Alexandra Cooks

10. Amahlumela aseBrussels aseBalsamic

Awuzwanga? Bayi-lettuce entsha.

Thola iresiphi

inarecipe11 U-Quintin Bacon/Barefoot Contessa Foolproof

11. Ikhekhe le-Chocolate Cassis

U-Giada ucela lokhu minyaka yonke ngosuku lwakhe lokuzalwa. Ngoba lokho kuhle nje.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 22 Amaqebelengwane Ongawenza Efrijini Lakho

i-garten seared scallops amazambane isilimo esidliwayo esinamagatsha anamanzi impande ye-puree recip I-Barefoot Contessa

12. Ama-scallops asolwandle kanye ne-Potato Celery Root Puree

Kukhona ibhotela eningi, kunjalo.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yemifino ethosiwe egarden orzo Bapheka Bajabula Njalo

13. I-Orzo Nemifino Egazingiwe

Kulula ngokumangalisayo.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten pastitsio I-Vodka nama-Biscuits

14. I-Pastitsio

Inyama, isoso sikatamatisi, i-pasta ne-béchamel…

Thola iresiphi

in engadini ebusika minestrone iresiphi Ikhaya Yilapho Isikebhe Sikhona

15. Winter Minestrone

Kuthokomele ngokwengeziwe.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten lemon inkukhu amabele recipe I-Barefoot Contessa

16. I-Lemon Chicken Breasts


Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten shrimp bisque recipe Incazelo ye-rosemary

17. Shrimp Bisque

Ukudla kwasolwandle akukaze kubukeke kukuhle ngale ndlela.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten strawberry rhubarb crisp Marilena's Ikhishi

18. I-Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

Inhlanganisela ye-sweet-tart engumlingo.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yenkukhu yesinaphi egadwe yi-garten Ukubuka Okuvela Esiqhingini Esikhulu

19. Ina Garten’s Mustard Inkukhu Egazingiwe

Asikwazi ukuthola okwanele kwe-coating crunchy.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesaladi ye-artichoke ethosiwe egadini ISonto Lakusihlwa Movement

20. Isaladi ye-Artichoke Eyosiwe

Ngokungapheli nenhle.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Izinto eziyi-13 u-Ina Garten Angakutshelanga Ngomyeni Wakhe uJeffrey

iresiphi yekhekhe likakhukhunathi egarden Umbhaki Omncane Omnandi

21. Ikhekhe likakhukhunathi

Ooh-la-la .

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten chicken marbella I-QUENTIN BACON/PHEKA NJENGEPRO

22. Inkukhu Marbella

Uphinde wavakashela iresiphi endala, elungisa ukunambitheka kancane, futhi kungcono kunangaphambili.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten baked fontina dip recipe Isidlo Sakusihlwa Bese I-Dessert

23. I-Baked Fontina Cheese Dip

Asikho isenzakalo esikhethekile esidingekayo.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten chicken stew biscuits recipe I-Brook Cook

24. Chicken Stew with Biscuits

Izingane zakho zizoyithanda.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi ye-garden french chocoalte ark Yini Imfoloko

25. Igxolo Leshokoledi yesiFulentshi

Imfashini eyengeziwe.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten baked sweet potato fries recipe1 Mindy's Ukuthatheka ngokupheka

26. Ama-Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Intombazane emva kwenhliziyo yethu.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten salmon cakes Yishaye Impela Nkosi

27. Amaqebelengwane e-Salmon

Njengento ongayithola kuklabhu yezwe.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesobho lika-anyanisi enziwe nge-garten Iresiphi Amathini Adlayo

28. Idiphu Ye-anyanisi YaseFrance

Izinto ezishibhile aziqhathanisi.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesobho likaphizi engadini Umthandi Wokudla's Impilo

29. Isobho Lephizi Elisha

Londoloza lesi simangaliso sentwasahlobo.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten lovely lemon squares recipe Ngokuyisisekelo Ukupheka

30. Izikwele zikalamula ezithandekayo


Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Izinto Ezingu-41 Ozicabange Ngokuqinisekile Ngenkathi Ubuka I-Barefoot Contessa

iresiphi ye-vinaigrette ye-garten ethosiwe isaladi ye-grapefruit Ukuphila Kweziwula

31. Isaladi Elipheya Eligazingiwe ne-Grapefruit Vinaigrette

Isitayela kakhulu .

Thola iresiphi

ina garden tabbouleh recipe Ukuconsa kanye Ukuconsa

32. Tabhula

Okusanhlamvu > ulethisi.

Thola iresiphi

ku-garten utamatisi we-feta pasta isaladi iresiphi Umama Wekhaya Omusha

33. Utamatisi Feta Pasta Isaladi

Yenza inqwaba enkulu futhi uyidle isonto lonke.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten foolproof ribs homemade barbecue sauce Tracey's I-Culinary Adventures

34. Izimbambo Ezingenangqondo Nesoso Yezoso Yokwenza Kwasekhaya

Spoiler: Zinhle impela.

Thola iresiphi

ku-garten ushokoledi wekhekhe le-peanut buttercream iresiphi yokuqandisa Kusuka ku-CateyLou

35. Ikhekhe Likashokoledi ne-Peanut Butter Buttercream Frosting

Ubani onephathi?

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten caramelized butternut squash Ipulazi lamaqanda

36. I-Caramelized Butternut Squash

Ilula, nenhle kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten peach blueberry crumble Ukupheka Classy

37. Ipentshisi neBlueberry Iyabhidlika

Akubi ngcono kunalokhu.

Thola iresiphi

ina garten the best beer nuts recipe Umama we-Foodtastic

38. The Best Beer Nuts

Bamba obandayo.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten kagalikhi amazambane athosiwe Recipe Diaries

39. I-Garlic Amazambane Athosiwe

Uhlangothi olubalulekile.

Thola iresiphi

ingadi ebalulekile ye-vodka sauce iresiphi U-Alexandra Cooks

40. Isoso yeVodka Ebalulekile

Kuhle kakhulu singakudla kucace.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: I-Ina Garten Ihlanza Kanjani U-anyanisi (Ongcono Kunawe)

iresiphi ye-garten creamed spinach gratin Ikhekhe le-Erza Pound

41. Isipinashi Esikhilimu Igratin

Manje lokho kuyi-casserole.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten herbed ricotta bruschettas Kunuka Ngasekhaya

42. I-Herbed Ricotta Bruschettas

Ama-Appetizers: kwenziwe.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten chocolate chip cookies Chezus

43. Amakhukhini we-Chocolate Chip

I-Toll House, ubani?

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten filet mignon ene-mustard mushrooms I-Barefoot Contessa

44. Filet Mignon with Mustard and Mushrooms

Khipha zonke izitobhi.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten caramelized shallots Iqiniso Yum

45. AmaShalothi Akharameli

Iphupho lethu le-burger topping.

Thola iresiphi

ku-asparagus engadini prosciutto izinyanda iresiphi I-Barefoot Contessa

46. ​​I-Asparagus & Prosciutto Bundles


Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-brownies eyingozi AmaCrepe Olaka

47. Ama-Brownies asabekayo

Indawo yakho noma eyami?

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-garten potato isaladi Ithebula Lengadi

48. Isaladi Yamazambane

Ubani onepikiniki?

Thola iresiphi

inamaceleni ubhatata1 I-Barefoot Contessa

49. Chipotle Amazambane Amnandi Agayiwe

Sidla lezi unyaka wonke.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesobho lomshado wase-italy lase-garten Isithako Esibalulekile

50. Isobho Lomshado Wase-Italy

Iqhwa kamnandi.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yekhekhe le-peanut butter cheesecake I-Tide ne-Thyme

51. Ikhekhe le-Peanut Butter Cheesecake

Londoloza indawo imizuzwana.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Izinto eziyi-18 obungazazi nge-Ina Garten

Thenga Okukhethiwe Kwekhishi:

ummese wompheki wakudala
I-Classic 8-Inch Chef's Knife
Thenga Manje ibhodi lokusika izinkuni
Ibhodi lokusika le-Maple Elihlehliswayo
Thenga Manje ukhokho wensimbi
I-Cast Iron Round Cocotte
Thenga Manje amathawula amasaka empuphu
Amathawula esaka likafulawa
Thenga Manje insimbi engagqwali pan
I-Stainless-Steel Fry Pan
Thenga Manje

I-Horoscope Yakho Yakusasa