Amaresiphi angama-80 wesimo sezulu esibandayo azokufudumeza

Amagama Amahle Kakhulu Ezingane

Ubusika iyeza, futhi okufunayo nje ukucasha ngaphansi kwengubo kuze kushone ilanga ngemva kuka-6 p.m. futhi. Wena angakwazi lala embhedeni futhi usinde ekukhipheni imali ezinyangeni ezimbalwa ezizayo, noma ungaba yingcweti kulezi zindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu ezibandayo ezingama-80 ezizoncibilikisa inhliziyo nesisu sakho. Cabanga ngenhliziyo amasobho , ama-casseroles , bhaka nangale kwalokho.

OKUhlobene: 21 Amaresiphi Esobho Se-Vegan Esanelisayo

amakhaza zokupheka mac noshizi Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

1. I-Mac kanye noshizi nge-Crispy Parmesan-Phyllo Crust

Lesi sidlo sakudala esibhakwayo siwohlokile, sigqoka umqhele... wamakhekhe aluhlaza.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo ukholifulawa oshisiwe Emily Dorio/The Saltwater Table

2. Ukholifulawa Oshisiwe Ngamafutha E-Crunchy Garlic Chile

I-char crisp kule cauliflower iphinda ukunambitheka kwe-steak, kodwa imifino ngokuphelele futhi eyanelisa kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo isipinashi namagobolondo amathathu agcwele ushizi U-Tieghan Gerard/I-Half Baked Harvest Super Simple

3. Isipinashi namagobolondo Agcwele Ushizi Amathathu

Uma ucabangela imifino efihliwe, lesi sikhwama se-pasta esigxiliwe empeleni sinempilo enhle. (KULUNGILE, KULUNGILE, enempilo-ish .)

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu ezibandayo ziphonsa izingcezu zengulube zensimbi U-Eric Wolfinger/Incwadi yokupheka yaseMexico Keto

4. I-Cast-Iron Pork Chops ne-Cacao-Spiced Rub

Le recipe efanele indawo yokudlela ivunyelwe yi-keto, ngakho-ke ungakwazi ukufudumala ngenkathi uhlala-i-low-carb.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka okubabayo lemon ginger inkukhu isobho Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Aran Goyyahan

5. Isobho Lenkukhu Elimnandi Lemon-Ginger

Shaya imikhuhlane yasebusika ngaphambi kokuba ubabambe ngale sobho esilula esinezinto zokulwa nokuvuvukala.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka uju lwesinaphi sheet pan inkukhu I-Colin Price/Ama-Peas Amabili kanye ne-Pod Cookbook Yabo

6. I-Honey Mustard Sheet-Pan Chicken ene-Brussels Sprouts

Cishe noma yimuphi umsebenzi wokulungiselela uyadingeka kulawa mathanga enkukhu anamanzi, acwebezelayo abhaka eceleni kwemifino. Ukudla okufanele ubusuku obupholile.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo antoni porowski moroccan pasta bolognese UPaul Brissman/Antoni Ekhishini

7. I-Pasta Bolognese ka-Antoni Porowski ka-Moroccan

Faka kulayini isizini yakamuva ye I-Queer Eye bese uqala ukubilisa isoso yenyama yewundlu lika-Antoni.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka butternut squash risotto Isithombe: Christine Han/Styling: Erin McDowell

8. I-Butternut Squash Risotto ene-Crispy Leeks

I-Risotto ingenye yokudla okududuzayo okungcono kakhulu, futhi uma igcwele ama-crispy leeks enziwe ekhaya, usulungele ukwelapha kwangempela.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka turkey chili Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

9. White Turkey Chili with Avocado

Ayikho into efana nobusuku obuvila ekudleni isitsha esikhulu sikapelepele. (Futhi le recipe ilula ngokwanele ukuthi ungaba nemizuzwana ngaphandle kokuzizwa ucindezelekile.)

Thola iresiphi

kubanda sezulu zokupheka izimfanzi kanye pasta isitshulu Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

10. I-Shrimp ne-Pasta Stew

Ingxenye yesitshulu, ingxenye ye-pasta e-saucy, ukulunywa ngakunye kwalesi sidlo kuzokwenza ukhohlwe ngezinga lokushisa eliqandayo.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo esishisayo ushizi oshisayo oshisayo I am a blog food

11. Ushizi Ogayiwe Ushizi Owe-Spacy Crisp

Ukwengezwa okulula kwamafutha e-chili esitolo segrosa kukhuphuka isemishi elidala lesikole.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Amaresiphi angama-25 amnandi kakhulu we-Brie

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo 30 iminithi kakhukhunathi ubisi braised inkukhu I-Half Baked Harvest

12. 30-Imizuzu engu-30 kakhukhunathi Inkukhu Elukiweyo enamazambane aswiti kanye nelayisi

Inkukhu eyosiwe igezwa ngobisi lukakhukhunathi olunokhilimu ukuze idale lesi sidlo sasebusuku sokugcina. (Engeza uhlangothi lwerayisi, i-naan noma i-quinoa ukuze uthole ukudla okunenhliziyo enhle.)

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka isobho tortellini Isithombe:Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

13. Isobho se-Tortellini nesoseji yase-Italy

Vula iphakethe likashizi we-tortellini, ibhokisi lesitoko senkukhu nezinye izithako ezimbalwa zesitolo esikhulu ukuze wenze idili elimnandi lasebusika.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka ibhotela garlic okhilimu isipinashi salmon I-Half Baked Harvest

14. I-Garlic Butter Creamed Spinach Salmon

Khohlwa yonke into obucabanga ukuthi uyazi ngesalmon. Le iresiphi ekhilimu iyi-riff ekhululekile yenkukhu i-Florentine.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka inkukhu ebhodweni pie Ingcosana ye-Yum

15. I-Chicken Pot Pie nama-Biscuits

I-Chicken pot pie ingaba ukudla okududuzayo kokugcina, kodwa ifakwe amabhisikidi, lesi sidlo sikwelinye izinga.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka pan cod ethosiwe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

16. I-Pan-Fried Cod ene-Orange ne-Swiss Chard

Ukudla okufudumalayo akufanele kube okungenampilo. Le recipe ye-cod isebenzisa umkhiqizo wasebusika ukuze idale isidlo sakusihlwa esilula kodwa esanelisa kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka isitshalo seqanda parmesan Uthando & Ulamula

17. Isitshalo seqanda seParmesan

Le parm yesitshalo seqanda esibhakiwe ilula (futhi inempilo) kunenguqulo evamile ethosiwe, futhi uthola konke lokho kushisa okusalayo kuhhavini yakho ukuze kufudumale indlu ngenkathi ukudla kwakho kupheka.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo se-thai red curry noodle isobho Damn Delicious

18. Isobho le-Thai Red Curry Noodle

Phinda kabili le recipe yokufudumala kwesisu bese ubeka uhhafu efrijini lakho usuku olude.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 12 Amaresiphi e-Keto Chili Okukudlulisa Ekujuleni Kobusika

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo okubuyisela iresiphi yesobho le-noodle UMaria Siriano/Ikhishi leProbiotic

19. Isobho le-Miso Noodle elibuyisela esimweni

Ama-noodle e-Soba namakhowe e-shiitake anikeza lokhu kwakudala ukuthuthukiswa okujabulisayo.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka wabhaka kakhukhunathi ukhari meatballs iresiphi U-TIEGHAN GERARD/UHAFU OBHEKIWE UKUVUNA AKULULA KAKHULU

20. I-Baked Coconut-Curry Meatballs

Ukubhaka ama-meatballs indlela umzamo omncane kunokuthosa.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Skillet Gnocchi With Sausage And Broccoli Rabe Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

21. I-Skillet Gnocchi Nesoseji kanye ne-Broccoli Rabe

Izindlela zokupheka zemizuzu engamashumi amathathu zibalulekile kubusuku beviki obumatasa.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo ngibhema gouda mac kanye noshizi iresiphi Isithombe: Michael Marquand / Styling: Caroline Lange

22. 5-Isithako Esibhenyiwe I-Gouda-Thyme Mac noshizi

Incazelo yokudla okunethezeka.

Thola iresiphi

abandayo sezulu zokupheka Skillet Steak With Asparagus Namazambane Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

23. I-Skillet Steak ne-Asparagus namazambane

Isho nathi: Angesabi ukupheka inyama yenkomo ekhaya.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo abakhohlisi iwayini elimhlophe coq au vin iresiphi Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

24. Iwayini Elimhlophe Lomkhohlisi Coq au Vin

Yinhle ngokwanele ukunikeza izivakashi—yize zingeke zazi ukuthi kukuthathe ngaphansi kwehora ukulenza.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Ingulube Scallopini With Capers Futhi Radicchio Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

25. Ingulube Scallopini nge Lemon, Capers kanye Radicchio

Cishe zonke izithako ezidingekayo ukupheka lobu buhle bemizuzu engu-20 ziyisisekelo se-pantry.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Iresiphi yesobho likatamatisi ogazingiwe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

26. The Best Damn Tomato Soup

Phuza kanye futhi uzolahla izinto ezisemathinini unomphela.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Dijon Maple Inkukhu nge Brussels kanye Butternut iresiphi Skinnytaste One futhi Kwenziwe

27. Inkukhu ye-Dijon-Maple ene-Brussels Sprouts kanye ne-Butternut Squash

Futhi ipani leshidi elithembekile liyakwenza futhi.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka Homemade Swedish Meatballs Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

28. Ama-Meatballs aseSweden

Zinamathisele ngezinti zamazinyo ukuze uthole isiphuzo esimnandi noma uwaphakele phezu kwamazambane acubuziwe ukuze uthole ukudla okugcwele.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo 30 imizuzu abakhohlisi inyama yenkomo stroganoff 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

29. Inyama yenkomo ye-Stroganoff ye-Cheater yemizuzu engama-30

I-Buttery pappardelle. Amakhowe enkinobho yethenda. Inyama yenkomo encibilika emlonyeni wakho. Cabanga ngemiphefumulo yethu efudumele ngokusemthethweni.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Ushizi Othosiwe Futhi Utamatisi Isobho Casserole Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

30. Ushizi Othosiwe kanye Notamatisi Isobho I-Casserole

Ukulunywa kanye nokuchuma—uphinde waba ingane.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Abelusi Pie Casserole Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

31. I-Shepherd's Pie

Ngakho-ke awudingi ukulinda uSuku lukaSt. Patrick ukuze uzitike.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Casserole Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

32. Slow-Cooker Inkukhu Enchilada Casserole

Setha, khohlwa, bese ukhipha ama-tortilla chips.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo umpheki ophuzayo wesobho lika-anyanisi we-french 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

33. Isobho Le-anyanisi YesiFulentshi I-Slow-Cooker

Alukho usuku olubi umhluzi ka-anyanisi we-caramelized kanye ne-Gruyère encibilikisiwe ayikwazi ukulungisa.

Thola iresiphi

abandayo sezulu zokupheka Ultimate Rigatoni Pasta Pie Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

34. I-Ultimate Pasta Pie

Aka isidlo sakusihlwa esisha esiyintandokazi sezingane zakho.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo i-pistachio crusted ingulube tenderloin 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

35. I-Pistachio-Crusted Pork Tenderloin ne-Apple ne-Escarole Salad

Usalelwe imizuzu engama-40 kuphela ku-buttery, umlingo wokuncibilika emlonyeni wakho.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo One Pan Roasted Chicken With Izaqathi Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

36. Inkukhu Egazingiwe Epanini Elilodwa Nezaqathi

Izithako eziyisithupha, imizuzu engama-30, ukuhlanzwa okuncane.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo uju lwesinaphi ishidi le-salmon iresiphi iqhawe Aubrie Khetha/Yidla Okuthandayo

37. I-Honey-Mustard Sheet Pan Salmon

Kuthoswe eduze kwamahlumela aseBrussels, i-butternut squash notamatisi we-cherry ukuze kuphelele.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo baking sheet piza 921 Isithombe: Jon Cospito/Styling: Erin McDowell

38. I-Baking-Sheet Pizza Neminqumo Notamatisi Omiswe Ngelanga

Uma kuziwa kushizi, i-merrier iyanda. Yingakho le phayi ilayishwe iParmesan, i-mozzarella ne-provolone.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo One Pan Steak With Beet Futhi Crispy Kale Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

39. I-One-Pan Steak ne-Beet kanye ne-Crispy Kale

I-broiler yakho ikwazi ukuphakamisa konke okusindayo.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Inkukhu ye-Gnocchi Soup Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

40. Inkukhu ye-Gnocchi Soup

I-snuggle eyodwa ethokomele endishini, iza ngqo.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo ishidi pan kalamula kagalikhi bhotela imifino kanye nesoseji 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

41. Ishidi-Ipani Imifino Yebhotela Lemon kanye Nesoseji

Gcoba uthingo lwemikhiqizo kusuka kuradishes kuya kusitshalo seqanda kuya kupelepele.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo cacio e pepe pasta recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

42. Ushizi noPepper

Sikwethulela isidlo sakusihlwa se-pasta esilula ongake usenze. Ngokujulile-mhlawumbe usunazo zonke izithako.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo Shrimp With Cauliflower Grits And Arugula Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

43. Shrimp with Cauliflower Grits and Arugula

I-cruciferous veggie yethu esiyintandokazi ayiyeki ukusimangaza.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Ultimate Chicken PotPie Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

44. I-Ultimate Chicken Pot Pie

I-puff pastry ethengwe esitolo yonga usuku.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Ingulube amadombolo Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

45. Amadombolo Engulube

Kukhona okusitshela ukuthi izingane zakho zizolangazelela ukusiza ngokuhlanganisa.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo cranberry balsamic roast chicken 9211 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

46. ​​I-Balsamic Cranberry Roast Inkukhu

Uma umndeni wakho ungakwenzi i-turkey, sazi *ngqo* ukuthi yini okufanele siyinikeze endaweni yakho ye-Thanksgiving.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo imizuzu engu-15 ye-skillet pepper steak recipe 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

47. I-Skillet Pepper Steak yemizuzu engu-15

Ukudla okukodwa kunama-calories angu-230 kuphela, ngakho-ke kungani unganiki indawo epuletini lakho ukuze uthole uhlangothi lwerayisi elimhlophe ukuze uhambe nalo?

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo antoni porowski chile maple egazingiwe inkukhu iresiphi UPaul Brissman/Antoni ekhishini

48. Antoni Porowski’s Chile-Maple Roast Chicken

Ngeke ukwazi ukungahambi kahle ngama-chiles e-chipotle omisiwe, isiraphu ye-maple kanye nebhotela eliningi.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu ezibandayo zikhohlisa isipheki esinensayo senyama yenkomo i-bourguignon 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

49. Inyama Yenkomo yeBourguignon yoMkhohlisi Opholile

Izinto ezinhle (funda: inyama yenkomo, ubhekeni, imifino) ziza kulabo abalindile.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo esishisayo se-ginger scallion yengulube neresiphi yesaladi ye-kale Kelsey Preciado / Unbelievabowl Paleo

50. Ingulube ye-Ginger-Scallion efudumele kanye neSaladi yeKale

Igcine i-paleo ngokusebenzisa ama-amino kakhukhunathi noma esikhundleni sososo wesoya noma i-tamari esikhundleni salokho.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka amazambane chip inkukhu crusted nge arugula pesto iresiphi I-Aubrie Pick/Kitchen Remix

51. Potato Chip-Crusted Chicken nge Arugula Pesto

Lena akuyona i-nonna's chicken parmigiana yakho.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo isobho sephayi yenkukhu 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

52. Isobho likaphayi weChicken Pot Olipheka Kancane

Ingxenye esiyithanda kakhulu i-white cheddar biscuit topper, izandla ziphansi.

Thola iresiphi

abandayo sezulu zokupheka Herb Crusted Ingulube Cutlets Recipe U-Erin McDowell

53. Inyama Yengulube Egayiwe Ngamakhambi

Babhanqa kahle nesaladi ye-arugula (kanye namafrimu ezicathulo).

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo utamatisi isobho in eyosiwe ushizi izitsha Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

54. Isobho likatamatisi Ezitsheni Zesinkwa Esigayiwe

Akukhona nje kuphela ukuthi kufakwe isangweji elincane, kodwa ingaphakathi lesitsha libuye lifakwe ushizi ocibilikile.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo okunamathelayo asian meatballs nge udon noodle iqhawe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

55. Ama-Meatballs Anamathelayo ase-Asia ane-Udon Noodles

I-sauce imnandi futhi iyamnandi, ngenxa yejinja, i-hoisin, uju kanye nesoso yesoya.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka Soba Noodle With Peanut Sauce Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

56. Ama-Noodles we-Soba ngeSauce Yamantongomane

Zilayishe nganoma iyiphi imifino ebunayo efihlwe ekhabetheni lakho elishisayo.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo harissa chickpea isitshulu isitshalo seqanda amabele recipe hero1 Isithombe: Michael Marquand/Styling: Jodi Moreno

57. I-Harissa Chickpea Stew ne-Eggplant kanye neMillet

Uma niphumile nonke abantu , shintshanisa nge-quinoa noma i-farro esikhundleni salokho.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Butternut Squash Carbonara Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

58. I-Butternut Squash Carbonara

Ukhamba ubolile kangangokuthi awudingi noma yikuphi ibhotela noma ukhilimu.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo turkey enchiladas 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

59. I-Turkey Enchiladas Ebabayo Nembewu Yethanga

Sinezinhlelo ezinkulu zayo yonke leyo turkey yokubonga esele.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka mexican posole recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

60. I-Posole yaseMexico

Kunambitheka njengengxube yesobho-chili—ene-spritz eningi ye-lime.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo general tsos cauliflower recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

61. General Tso’s Cauliflower

Lokhu kusonteka kwemifino ku-takeout yakudala kungakhohlisa ngisho nabadla inyama abazinikele kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

abandayo sezulu zokupheka Polenta Futhi Meatballs Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

62. Polenta kanye Meatballs

Ngeke uphuthelwe yi-spaghetti nakancane.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka Skillet Chicken Fajitas Recipe Isithombe: Eric Moran/Styling: Erin McDowell

63. I-Skillet Chicken Fajitas

Letha i-guacamole, sizoyinyakazisa ama-daisies .

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka Easy Rotisserie Chicken Ramen Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

64. Rotisserie Inkukhu Ramen

Sithembe: Le nguqulo iphephetha izinto ezitholakala ku-microwave indlela aphume emanzini.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo spiralized yemifino yasebusika gratin 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

65. Spiralized Winter Vegetable Gratin

Cabanga ngakho njengamazambane anempilo e-au gratin, kuphela ngama-parsnip, u-squash nobhatata.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Baked Chicken And Mushroom Risotto Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

66. I-Risotto yenkukhu ebhakiwe kanye ne-Mushroom

I-risotto ipheka kuhhavini, okusho ukuthi ngeke kudingeke uyigoqe amahora amaningi esitofini.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo okunamathelayo orange inkukhu no-anyanisi caramelized kanye fennel recipe U-Erin Kunkel/The Vibrant Life

67. Inkukhu Ewolintshi enamathelayo eno-anyanisi oqoshiwe kanye neFennel

I-marinade ye-citrus-sesame iphindwe kabili njenge-sauce.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo 15 Minute Cheater s Pad Thai Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

68. I-Pad Thai Yomkhohlisi Yemizuzu eyi-15

TBH, ungachitha isikhathi esiningi ulindele ukuthi ilethwe kunokuba uziphekele wena.

Thola iresiphi

sezulu esibandayo zokupheka lonke okugazingiwe chipotle inkukhu iresiphi Indlela Entsha Yokudla

69. Inkukhu Egazingiwe YeChipotle

Ngeke ukholwe ukuthi uhlu lwesithako lufushane kangakanani.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo i-buckwheat gnocchi neklabishi amazambane kanye neresiphi yefontina ISITHOMBE: CHRISTINE HAN/STYLING: ERIN MCDOWELL

70. I-Buckwheat Gnocchi neKhabishi, Amazambane kanye ne-Fontina

I-pasta eyenziwe ekhaya ilungele iphathi ngemizuzu engama-40? Faka umbala izihambeli zakho ezimangalisayo.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo sepomegranate inkukhu ye-sumac enezaqathi ezigazingiwe iresiphi 921 Isithombe: Michael Marquand/Styling: Jake Cohen

71. Inkukhu yePomegranate-Sumac enezaqathi ezigazingiwe

I-buttermilk chicken brine yendabuko ifakwe nge-sweet-tart pomegranate molasses, ukhiye ekuphekeni kwaseMpumalanga Ephakathi.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo amasoseji ummbila pobablo chowder iresiphi ISITHOMBE: CHRISTINE HAN/STYLING: ERIN MCDOWELL

72. Isoseji, Ummbila kanye nePoblano Chowder

Lesi simangaliso sebhodwe elilodwa esibabayo siqinisekile ukuthi sizofudumeza amathambo akho, kodwa zizwe ukhululekile ukwengeza i-jalapeño noma upelepele obomvu ochotshoziwe ukuze ushise.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo i-bucatini amatriciana recipe Isithombe: Mark Weinberg/Styling: Erin McDowell

73. IBucatini Amatriciana Enoshukela

Uma ungakwazi ukuthola i-guanciale (ingulube ephekwe ngosawoti) eduze nawe, sebenzisa i-pancetta noma ubhekeni esikhundleni salokho.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo Slow Cooker Chicken Teriyaki Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

74. Slow-Cooker Inkukhu Teriyaki

Akukhona nje ukuthi i-Crock-Pot yenza wonke umsebenzi, kodwa futhi ingesinye sesidlo sakusihlwa esilungele izingane kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo polenta namakhowe okugazingiwe kanye ubhekeni iresiphi Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

75. I-Polenta Enamakhowe Agazingiwe kanye Nobhekeni

Kubize eceleni uma ugcizelela, kodwa lesi sidlo esithokomele sinokudla okuyinhloko okubhalwe kuyo yonke indawo. Iqanda elithosiwe ngaphezulu alikwazanga ukulimaza.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu ezibandayo iresiphi ye-congee esheshayo Ngoc Minh Ngo/Heirloom

76. Quick Congee

Leli phalishi lelayisi lase-Asia lizonambitha eligcwele amakhambi, i-ginger, i-kimchi, ama-scallions noma amaqanda abikiwe.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo isipheki esihamba kancane inkukhu yonke enamazambane 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

77. Slow-Cooker Inkukhu Ephelele enamazambane

Rosa inkukhu kuhhavini futhi kuzodingeka uyigadele ingane usuku lonke. Sebenzisa i-Crock-Pot esikhundleni salokho futhi ukhululekile.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka sezulu esibandayo okugazingiwe cauliflower macaroni kanye noshizi iresiphi Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

78. I-Cauliflower Egazingiwe I-Macaroni noshizi

Awukwazi ukunquma phakathi kwe-gooey pasta nemifino egazingiwe? Sivumele sethule okuhamba phambili kwayo yomibili imihlaba.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka zesimo sezulu ezibandayo abakhohlisa i-pizza emhlophe nge-bechamel sauce recipe hero Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

79. I-Cheater’s White Pizza ne-Béchamel Sauce

Ngeke uze udinge ukuxabana ngenhlama ye-pizza ethengwe esitolo, ngenxa yesinkwa esiyisicaba se-naan.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka zesimo sezulu esibandayo inkukhu epholile kanye nesobho lelayisi lasendle 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

80. Inkukhu ye-Slow-Cooker Creamy ne-Wild Rice Soup

Thatha ingubo (kanye ne-vino), uhlale eduze kweziko futhi ujabulele.

Thola iresiphi

OKUPHATHELENE: 50 Imibono Yesidlo Sakusihlwa Esizojabulisa Sonke Isizini Eside

I-Horoscope Yakho Yakusasa