Amaresiphi angama-50 Ezaqathi Ahamba Phambili Emhlabeni

Amagama Amahle Kakhulu Ezingane

Izaqathe ziqukethe inani elikhulu le-vitamin A, nakuba liwumthombo omuhle kakhulu wokudla. amavithamini K no-C -kodwa okusekela ngempela isimo sabo njengesisekelo setafula lesidlo sakusihlwa iqiniso elilula lokuthi amnandi. Zenze zibe mnandi, zibe mnandi, zibe muncu, usho kanjalo. Lezi zitshalo ezisawolintshi zingamakhanvasi ahlukahlukene azo zonke izinambitheka zemenyu yakho. Nazi izindlela zokupheka zezaqathi ezingu-50 ongaziphatha ngazo.

OKUhlobene: 40 Imibono Yesidlo Sakusihlwa Semifino Ongayenza Ngemizuzu engama-30 noma Ngaphansi

izaqathe ezicwebezelisiwe ze-maple ezinoshizi wembuzi kanye neresiphi ye-pistachios Ikhishi lokulangazelela

1. Izaqathi ezicwebezelisiwe ze-Maple ezinoshizi wezimbuzi nama-Pistachios

I-glaze emnandi, ushizi wembuzi omuncu ovela kuma-pistachios—yini enye ongayifunayo?

Thola iresiphi

isanqante izingulube in a iresiphi ingubo Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

2. Ikarothi Izingulube Engubeni

O, hey, hors d'ouevres. Siyathembisa ukuthi izingane ngeke ziphuthe ngisho nakancane.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-carrot gnocchi pasta Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

3. I-Carrot Gnocchi Pasta

Lahla okusanhlamvu ukuze uthole lokhu okunye okunothe ngemifino.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesobho le-ginger carrot I-Foodie Crush

4. Isobho le-Ginger Carrot

Kuthokomele endishini eduze komlilo nengilazi yewayini .

Thola iresiphi

Ukhilimu we-vegan isanqante mac nge-walnut herb parmesan Recipe Ukusiza Okugcwele

5. I-Creamy Vegan Carrot Mac ene-Walnut-Herb ‘Parmesan’

Ukusiza okwesibili? Ungakhathazeki uma sikwenza.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 27 Izinhlangothi Ezenza I-Mac Noshizi Kudle

i-pan eyodwa ethosiwe inkukhu enezaqathi iresiphi Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

6. Inkukhu Egazingiwe Epanini Elilodwa Nezaqathi

Isidlo sakusihlwa sizobe sesilungile ngemuva kwamahora angama-30, kanye nezitsha ezingcolile ezingaqalwa.

Thola iresiphi

isitsha se-cauliflower rice ne-curried lentils isanqante kanye ne-yogurt recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

7. I-Cauliflower Rice Bowl with Curried Lentils, Izaqathi kanye neYogathi

Ngamafuphi, wow.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi ye-vegan bacon Nkosazana Marzipan

8. I-Vegan Bacon

Isanqante ubhekeni? Qhubeka, silalele.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesitshulu senyama yenkomo ephekiwe kancane I-Modern Proper

9. Slow-Cooker Beef Isitshulu

Izinsuku zasebusika ezibanda kakhulu azinalutho kulokhu kudla okunethezekile kwakudala.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 37 Amaresiphi Esidlo Sakusihlwa Ongawenza Ngephawundi Lenyama Yenkomo Ephansi

iresiphi yezaqathi ezigazingiwe U-Erin McDowell

10. Izaqathi Ezigazingiwe Ziphelele

Abahle yini? Sesingezwa izihambeli zakho zesidlo sakusihlwa kakade.

Thola iresiphi

iresiphi yesaladi ye-noodle ye-Vietnamese I-Foodie Crush

11. Vietnamese Noodle Salad

Sithembe: Kulula ukulungiselela kunokubukeka.

Thola iresiphi

ikhekhe le-carrot cake oatmeal cookies Ikhishi lokulangazelela

12. Ikhekhe le-Carrot Ikhekhe le-Oatmeal Amakhukhi

Udinga izinto ezimnandi ukuze uye ku-Santa? Ungabheki kude kunalawa makhukhi.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi ye-sesame ye-ginger egazingiwe yonke izaqathi Ngiphakele Phoebe

13. I-Sesame Ginger Yosiwe Izaqathi Eziphelele

Bala kulungu le-Coterie u-Phoebe Lapine ukuthi uzokhipha zonke izitobhi.

Thola iresiphi

amaqebelengwane ama-carrot amancane nge-cream cheese frosting recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

14. I-Mini Carrot Cakes ne-Cream Cheese Frosting

Yeqa uphudingi? Ingabe wena nut?

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka canal house isanqante isobho recipe UChristopher Hirsheimer/Canal House Pheka okuthile

15. Isobho Lesanqante Lendlu YaseCanal

Izithako eziyisishiyagalombili + izinyathelo ezintathu = isobho elenziwe ekhaya esikhathini esingaphezudlwana kwehora. Kudos.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka isanqante isinkwa Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Sarah Copeland

16. I-Moroccan Carrot Toast egundiwe

Beka phansi ummese bese usuka kude nokwatapheya. Ungenza kangcono.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka I-Carrot Ginger Dressing Recipe U-Erin McDowell

17. I-Carrot-Ginger Dressing

Lokhu kugqoka kwemizuzu engu-15 kunezinambitheka eziningi ezinesibindi, ngenxa yama-scallions, i-ginger egayiwe namafutha e-peanut.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Okubabayo Isanqante Isaladi With Chickpeas Futhi Parsley Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

18. Isaladi Yekharothi Ebabayo neChickpeas neParsley

Ithola konke ukushisa kwayo ku-harissa, i-chili ebabayo yaseNyakatho Afrika.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka i-risotto emhlophe corn mpo Sarah Copeland/Chronicle Books

19. I-Risotto Emhlophe Nombila, Izaqathi kanye neKale

Ushizi weParmesan newayini elimhlophe? Ukhuluma ulimi lwethu.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka i-pomegranate inkukhu ye-sumac enezaqathi ezigazingiwe iresiphi 921 Isithombe: Michael Marquand/Styling: Jake Cohen

20. Inkukhu yePomegranate-Sumac enezaqathi ezigazingiwe

Qiniseka ukuthi ugcina isanqante sakho siyimifino: Yenzela ukuthinta okumnandi kokuqeda.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka i-harissa noju izaqathi ezigazingiwe iresiphi Isithombe: Nico Schinco / Styling: Eden Grinshpan

21. I-Harissa kanye Nezaqathi Ezigazingiwe Ngoju

Asikwazi ukunquma ukuthi yini esizifela ngayo, umbhede weyogathi yesiGreki ebabazekayo noma i-nutty dukkah garnish.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka isanqante ikhekhe donuts nge ukhilimu ushizi glaze iresiphi Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

22. I-Carrot Cake Donuts nge-Cream Cheese Glaze

I-glaze iyaqina njengoba ihlezi, ngakho-ke uma ukhetha ukuthungwa okufana nesithwathwa, linda imizuzu embalwa eyengeziwe ngaphambi kokuwusakaza kuma-donuts.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Izaqathi ezigazingiwe ku-Pine Nut Hummus4 728x921 Katie Wayne

23. Izaqathi ezigazingiwe kuPine Nut Hummus

I-Aka i-appetizer enezithako ezinhlanu ejabulisa kakhulu owake wayiphakela.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka zikakolweni uphayinaphu isanqante waffles Ikhishi lokulangazelela

24. Ikhekhe Eliphelele likaPhayinaphu-Ikarothi Amawaffle ane-Maple Cream Cheese Glaze

Gcwalisa ngamagilebhisi omisiwe nama-pecans aqoshiwe. O, nesiraphu eningi.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka isanqante Izinja zikaqathi ezicwebezelayo ezimnandi 4 Ukusiza Okugcwele

25. Izinja Zezaqathi Ezicwebezelisiwe

Woza, lo msebenzi wobuciko we-vegan ungungqondongqondo oqondile.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Isanqante Isaladi Chitha noPennies

26. Isaladi Yesanqathe Esikhilimu

Imiselwe yonke into ipikiniki uyamenywa kusukela manje kuqhubeke. Ungawunqonqozi uze uzame.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka izaqathi I-Carrot Fritters 1 Oh Imifino Yami

27. I-Carrot Fritters ne-Cumin-Lime Cashew Cream

Ngenxa kafulawa we-chickpea, lawa ma-crispy cuties awanayo i-gluten.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi isanqante cake isinkwa 2 Sally's Baking Addiction

28. Ikhekhe Le-Carrot Ikhekhe

Ingxenye enzima kakhulu ngale recipe ilinde ukuthi isinkwa esisheshayo siphole ngaphambi kokusabalalisa ku-frosting kashizi wesinamoni.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka sweet isanqante isaladi I-Detox

29. Isaladi Isanqante Emnandi Nephundu

Yeqa i-kale Caesar lokhu Ukubonga . Izaqathi zizongeza umbala ogqamile ekusakazweni kwakho kweholide.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka I-Carrot Cake Truffles Ukudla Ukuqina Kokukholwa

30. Ama-Truffles Ekhekhe Lesanqante EngenaGluten

I-Psst: Ahlanganiswe ndawonye ushizi okhilimu omuncu, ama-wafer amhlophe ancibilikayo kanye namakhekheba kakhukhunathi.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka 7 isithako I-Carrot Ginger Turmeric Smoothie I-Minimalist Baker

31. I-Carrot Ginger Turmeric Smoothie

Qala ekuseni ngengilazi yobumnandi obuqeda ukuvuvukala. Amasosha akho omzimba azokubonga.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Wholesome Carrot Muffins 1 Nginike Ihhavini

32. Ama-Muffin Esaqathi Akahle

Ibhulakufesi eliphekwe kabusha esikhathini esingaphezudlwana kwesigamu sehora? Lokho kuwufanele ukuvuka embhedeni.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Izaqathi izinja3 Oh Imifino Yami

33. I-Carrot Dogs with Mango-Avocado Salsa

Izaqathe zigaywa ngengxube ebabazekayo yesoso yesoya, i-apula cider uviniga nesiraphu ye-maple.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka isanqante apula isinkwa U-Averie Upheka

34. Ikarothi-Isinkwa Seapula

Singase siphakamise ukuyigeza phansi nabanye i-apple cider eyenziwe ekhaya ?

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Zucchini Isanqante Fritters Paleo Whole30 Keto Inhliziyo Umami

35. Zucchini Isanqante Veggie Patties

Impela, bayi-paleo, i-keto kanye ne-Whole-30 enobungani. Kodwa okubaluleke kakhulu, zimnandi kakhulu (futhi zi-super crispy).

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Bombay Carrot Isaladi 100 3 Ukuzilibazisa Ekhaya

36. I-Bombay Carrot Salad ne-Cashews kanye namaRaisins

Inkanyezi izinongo ezifudumele ezifana ne-yellow curry powder kanye ne-ground turmeric.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Vegan Paleo Isanqante Ikhekhe Waffles Recipe Ukuphila Kwenziwe Kwamnandi

37. I-Waffles Yekhekhe Le-Carrot Enempilo

Leli tshe le-carb ephansi linakho Isidlo sePhasika kubhalwe kuyo yonke indawo.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka Garlic Herb Izaqathi Damn Delicious

38. Izaqathi ze-Garlic Herb

I-Tarragon, i-parsley, i-dill - amakhambi amasha neze ubuhlungu.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Creamy Thai Isanqante Sweet Potato Isobho 1 1 I-Half Baked Harvest

39. I-Creamy Thai Carrot Sweet Potato Soup

Ama-alimondi e-tamari athosiwe ayi-posh topper, kodwa futhi angcwele ukuze azidlele wona wodwa.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi I-New Crudite Platter 1 I-Half Baked Harvest

40. I-New Crudité Platter

Akukho okuzokwenza uthweswe umqhele Umsingathi Ngongcono Kakhulu ngokushesha njengokuphakela izimbali ze-zucchini ezithosiwe kanye nokugqoka okuzenzela kwe-avocado-ranch.

Thola iresiphi

izindlela zokupheka izaqathi Ikhekhe Lekherothi Amapancake 14 Feel Good Foodie

41. Ikhekhe Le-Carrot Amakhekhe

Hlukanisa izaqathi esikhundleni sokuzigaya. (Ukugaya nge-microplane kukhipha umswakama omningi ku-batter.)

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Uphizi Nezaqathi Isitshulu 9 Feel Good Foodie

42. Uphizi Nezaqathi Isitshulu

Ikhuthazwe yisidlo saseLebanon i-yakhneh, lesi sitshulu silayishwe inyama yenkomo eshibhile.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka orange isanqante ikhekhe5 Amakhekhe Omzukulu

43. Amakhekhe e-Orange Carrot

Iyogathi yesiGreek enokunambitheka okuwolintshi iqinisekisa ukuthi lokhu kuba manzi kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka izaqathi isanqante top puree Usawoti Nomoya

44. Izaqathi Ezosiwe nge-Cilantro-Pistachio Carrot Top Purée

I-carrot eluhlaza pesto? I-Groundbreaking.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka isanqante ikhumini risotto Usawoti Nomoya

45. I-Carrot-Cumin Farro Risotto

I-farro ipheka ngejusi yekarothi enongwe esikhundleni samanzi.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi I-Brokholi kanye Nesobho Soshizi 10 Feel Good Foodie

46. ​​I-Broccoli Enempilo kanye Nesobho Soshizi

Iqala ngesisekelo samazambane agazingiwe, ahlanziwe kanye nezaqathi, okwenza isobho liwohloke kakhulu futhi libe nosilika—awukho ukhilimu odingekayo.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Ikhekhe Lekherothi Baked Oatmeal 7 Ama-Peas Amabili NePod Yawo

47. Ikhekhe Le-Carrot Baked Oatmeal

Hlanganisa inqwaba ngeSonto futhi uzodla isidlo sasekuseni isonto lonke.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Asian Carrot Isaladi 7 Ama-Peas Amabili NePod Yawo

48. Isaladi Sesame Ginger Izaqathi

Sinomuzwa wokuthi le saladi izosebenzisana kahle nenkukhu epheka kancane i-teriyaki phezu kwerayisi elishisiwe.

Thola iresiphi

izaqathi zokupheka umango isanqante ikhekhe swirl imigoqo Amakhekhe Omzukulu

49. Umango Isanqante Ikhekhe Swirl Amabha

Ukunambitheka okufana nekhekhe le-carrot kugxume indiza futhi kuthathe iholide elidumile lasezindaweni ezishisayo.

Thola iresiphi

zokupheka izaqathi Ikhekhe le-coconut Carrot eline-Jam Swirled Buttercream 4 I-Half Baked Harvest

50. Ikhekhe le-coconut Carrot ne-Jammy Swirled Buttercream

Noma yimuphi ujamu wamajikijolo uzosebenza, kodwa okusajingijolo unikeza ikhekhe amanothi agqamile, tart eliwafanele.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 15 Ama-Desserts Okudla Okuhlanzekile Angeke Konakalise Ukudla Kwakho

I-Horoscope Yakho Yakusasa