65 Ukudla okulula kwe-Super Bowl Okungenziwa NgoSuku Lwegeyimu

Amagama Amahle Kakhulu Ezingane

Noma ngabe yiliphi iqembu olilwela ku-Super Bowl kulo nyaka, into eyodwa eqinisekile: Uzodinga ama-appetizers. Kodwa uyinkanyezi kakhulu iphathi umhleli wokuphakela ama-guac nama-chips amadala. Thuthukisa umdlalo ngokwawo ngokudla okulula okungu-65 kwe-Super Bowl okungaba lula ukusuka ku-nacho kuya amaphiko kubo bonke amadiphu inhliziyo yakho ifisa.

OKUhlobene: 35 Mini Bite-Sized Super Bowl Snacks

super bowl snacks game day inyathi inkukhu dip Chitha noPennies

1. Idiphu Yenkukhu Engcono Kakhulu Yenyathi

I-Keto-friendly, i-low-carb futhi igcwele izinhlobo ezintathu zikashizi.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi ye-mini nachos super bowl snack ISITHOMBE: LIZ ANDREW/STYLING: ERIN MCDOWELL

2. Ama-Mini Nacho

Aww, lezi cishe zinhle kakhulu ukuthi zingadliwa. (Cishe.)

Thola iresiphi

I-Carrot Pigs in a Blanket Super Bowl Snacks Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

3. Ikarothi Izingulube Engubeni

Awu, akuzona nje ezithandekayo lezi? Izingane zakho ngeke zize ziphuthelwe ama-weenies.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day oven baked chicken wings recipe1 U-Erin McDowell

4. Amaphiko Enyathi Abhakwe Kuhhavini

Asikho isidingo sokuxabana nokuthosa ukuze ulungise iphiko lakho.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day 7 Layer Dip Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

5. Idiphu Yezingqimba Eziyisikhombisa

Ubhontshisi othosiwe? Hlola. I-Guacamole? Hlola. Ukhilimu omuncu, iMonterey Jack nama-chiles aluhlaza? Uyabhejwa.

Thola iresiphi

super isitsha ukudla okulula umdlalo usuku isipinashi artichoke dip I-Modern Proper

6. Idiphu ye-Artichoke yesipinashi esishisayo

Uma kuziwa kuma-appetizer e-Super Bowl, i-spin dip yilokho b**** ngesizathu. Inokhilimu, ishizi futhi inothe ngezinhliziyo ze-artichoke ezimanzi.

Thola iresiphi

I-super bowl snacks game usuku lwe-maple candied bacon recipe 9211 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

7. I-Maple Candied Bacon

Kuthatha kuphela izithako ezine nemizuzu engama-30 ukufinyelela injabulo enosawoti omningi.

Thola iresiphi

UBrie ogxishwe i-pretzel uluma isitsha esikhulu sesitsha Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

8. I-Brie-Stuffed Pretzel Bites

Isithako esiyimfihlo ushizi. (Kuhlala kunjalo.)

Thola iresiphi

super1 Damn Delicious

9. I-Guacamole Shrimp Wonton Cups

Laba banezimfanzi ze-cocktail ezithengwe esitolo kanye nesoso eshaywa ngemayela.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi yamaqanda kakotapheya Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

10. Ukwatapheya Deviled Amaqanda

Qiniseka ukuthi uthatha okungenani izithombe eziyishumi nambili ze-Instagram ngaphambi kokudla.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 13 Amaresiphi Eqanda Elihlanjululiwe Wezinga Elilandelayo Ongawazama

Iresiphi ye-Buffalo cauliflower nuggets Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

11. Buffalo Cauliflower Nuggets

Sethula indlela yethu entsha esiyintandokazi yokulungisa i-cruciferous veggie.

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Amaresiphi Angcono Kakhulu Emhlabeni Kauliflower


12. I-Crispy Parmesan Tomato Chips

Amazambane ama-chips? Enhle.

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13. I-Popcorn Kashokoledi Emnyama ne-Rosemary Sea Salt

Ukunambitheka okukhethekile ngemuva kokuthi udlile udlula ekusakazeni kweSuper Bowl okumnandi.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi ye-Sweet Potato Crostini Super Bowl Party Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

14. I-Sweet Potato Crostini

Kuhle kakhulu. Ungathanda i-cranberry-almond noma i-salmon ebhemayo?

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: 23 Amaresiphi Amazambane Okudingayo Empilweni Yakho

Iresiphi yase-Italian brushetta bar super bowl snack Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

15. Ibha yase-Italian Bruschetta

Yebo kukho konke lokhu. (Ikakhulukazi lawo mapickle amancane.)

Thola iresiphi

OKUhlobene: Amaresiphi angu-15 asheshayo futhi alula ase-Italy 'Ayi-Molto Delizioso'

iresiphi ye-classy cheese balls U-Liz Andrew/Erin McDowell

16. Amabhola Kashizi Akudala Kakhulu Emhlabeni Wonke

Kusukela ku-lemon zest kanye ne-dill kuya kuma-arils ehalananda.

Thola iresiphi

Iresiphi ye-Mini Tortillas Appetizer U-Erin McDowell

17. Ama-Tortilla amancane

Usayizi wokuluma uhlale ungusayizi olungile.

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OKUhlobene: Izinhlelo zokusebenza ezingu-29 zosayizi we-Bite ezifakazela ukuthi yonke into ingcono encane

super11 Isidlo saseMedithera

18. I-Mediterranean Feta Cheese Dip

Bhangqa nonxantathu be-pita newayini elimhlophe.

Thola iresiphi

I-Italian pinwheel pastry appetizer Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

19. Ama-pinwheels ase-Italy

Silinge ukuthi udle eyodwa nje.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day mini lobster rolls recipe1 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

20. Ama-Mini Lobster Rolls

Ngisho noma uzonda ama-Patriots, ngeke ube nezikhalazo mayelana nalezi zibamba zezandla eziphefumulelwe eNew England.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day french onion cups recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

21. Izindebe zika-anyanisi zaseFrance

Isobho eliduduza kakhulu Emhlabeni esongwe nge-puff pastry? Simangele.

Thola iresiphi

usuku lomdlalo we-super bowl snacks akukho ukupheka iresiphi ye-rainbow bruschetta 921 ISITHOMBE: JON COSPITO/STYLING: Heath Goldman

22. Rainbow Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta

Kulula nje ukubeka ama-crackers nama-cheese cubes, kodwa indlela okuhlaba umxhwele.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day 15 Minute Buffalo Chicken Sliders Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

23. Imizuzu eyi-15 Izilayidi Zenkukhu Yenyathi

Akekho odinga ukwazi ukuthi inkukhu ye-rotisserie kanye nesoso yenyathi ethengwe esitolo.

Thola iresiphi

I-super bowl snacks usuku lomdlalo uKhesari Isaladi Wonton Cups 1 Iresiphi Amathini Adlayo

24. Caesar Salad Wonton Cups

Siyazi ukuthi ucabangani: Isaladi? NgeSuper Bowl? Uma isongwe nge-wonton wrapper ephekiwe, sithambekele ekutheni yebo.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day isipinashi artichoke tikwele recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

25. Izikwele ze-Artichoke yesipinashi

Ikhekhe eliqandisiwe, elithengwe esitolo liyakwenza futhi.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day cauliflower corn nuggets recipe Ukholifulawa

26. I-Crispy Baked Cauliflower-Corn Nuggets

Lokhu kulunywa kweSuper Bowl okulungele izingane kunikeza iminwe yenkukhu ithuba lokuyithola imali.

Thola iresiphi

Super bowl snacks game day Boursin Cheese With Caramelized Onion And Bacon Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

27. I-Boursin Cheese ne-Caramelized anyanisi kanye ne-Bacon

Hhayi-ke, kunjani lokho? Vele uyisebenzise eduze kwesinkwa esithosiwe noma ama-crackers.

Thola iresiphi

usuku lomdlalo we-super bowl snacks Crispy Buffalo Cheddar Potato Nachos 1 I-Half Baked Harvest

28. I-Crispy Buffalo Cheddar Potato Nachos

Bheka, i-grail engcwele ye-Super Bowl snacks. Sikhuluma ama-chips amazambane enziwe ekhaya, isoso yenyathi, i-cheddar ebukhali kanye nokugqoka kwe-buttermilk ranch.

Thola iresiphi

super isitsha ukudla okulula game day Ukwatapheya Spicy Hummus Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

29. I-Hummus ye-Avocado ebabayo

Amadiphu amabili ayisakhiwo sodumo kuphakheji elilodwa elinokhilimu. Manje ngengxenye enzima: i-tortilla noma i-pita chips?

Thola iresiphi

Isitsha esikhulu se-super bowl snacks game day brussels sprout crostini Kanjani Ukudla Okumnandi

30. I-Parmesan Brussels Ihlumela iCrostini

Isithako esiyimfihlo? Amakhanda amane kagalikhi ogazingiwe.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Baked Gorgonzola Bites Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

31. I-Baked Gorgonzola Bites

Izikhwama ezinenhlama, ezishizi zenjabulo.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Roasted Mixed Nuts Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

32. Amantongomane Axutshwe Athosiwe

Gcina leli gugu lemizuzu engu-15 ephaketheni lakho elingemuva noma nini unezivakashi ezingalindelekile.

Thola iresiphi

Isitsha esikhulu sesitsha somdlalo we-Veggie Chips Recipe1 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

33. AmaChips Emifino Egazingiwe

Ama-beet, ama-turnips, ama-radishes nama-parsnips awakaze abukeke ekhanga kangaka.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day okugazingiwe iresiphi ye-artichokes Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

34. Ama-Artichoke Athosiwe

Ufuna ukonga isikhathi? Sebenzisa izinhliziyo ze-artichoke ethinini esikhundleni sezintsha ngosuku lwegeyimu.

Thola iresiphi

Super bowl snacks game day prosciutto bites recipe U-Erin McDowell

35. Ukulunywa kukaHamu

Amabhola alingana nosayizi wenhlama ye-pizza ethengwe esitolo esongwe nge-prosciutto futhi embozwe nge-Parmesan, efana nengulube ebuyela emuva engutsheni.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Baked Mac And Cheese Bites Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

36. I-Mac-and-Cheese Bites

Izwi kwabahlakaniphileyo: Yenza amaqoqo amabili. Izingane ephathini yakho ye-Super Bowl zizoshwabadela eyokuqala ngemizuzu nje.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks usuku lomdlalo Kulayishwe Iresiphi Yamazambane Abhakiwe Amazambane Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

37. Amazambane Abhakiwe Alayishiwe ‘AmaChips’

Bhekana nakho, ingxenye ebalulekile ye-spud elayishiwe yizo zonke izinto zokugqoka.

Thola iresiphi

I-super bowl snacks usuku lomdlalo we-pimiento ushizi ofakwe upelepele 921 Isithombe: Jon Cospito/Styling: Erin McDowell

38. I-Pimento Cheese Egcwele Upelepele we-Shishito

Ama-popper e-jalapeño asezingeni eliphakeme kakhulu aseke athakasela ukusabalala kwe-Super Bowl.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Baby Blooming anyanisi Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

39. U-anyanisi Oqhakaza Ingane

Yidla inhliziyo yakho, Outback Steakhouse.

Thola iresiphi

Isitsha esikhulu sesitsha somdlalo we-Mexican Street Corn Dip Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

40. Mexican Street Corn Dip

Sizozama konke okusemandleni ethu ukuthi singacwili sibhekane ngqo.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day ubhekeni woshizi straws recipe U-Erin McDowell

41. Izitsha zikashizi ezigoqwe ubhekeni

Izithako ezintathu nemizuzu engama-40? Ungakusingatha lokho.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day inkukhu iparm iluma iresiphi iqhawe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

42. Inkukhu yeParmesan Iluma

Ukukhonza i-marinara eceleni kuqinisekisa ukuthi isinkwa senkukhu asiphenduki.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day vegan arancini iresiphi Vegan Endlini

43. I-Vegan Arancini

I-Mozzarella FTW esekelwe esitshalweni.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day donsa isinkwa caramelized anyanisi imbuzi ushizi recipe Isithombe: Nico Schinco/Styling: Erin McDowell

44. Sihlukanise Isinkwa Esino-anyanisi OseCaramelized Noshizi Wembuzi

Zizwe ukhululekile ukuziqhayisa lapho iqembu lakho le-Super Bowl likubuza ukuthi uyithenge kuphi.

Thola iresiphi

I-super bowl snacks usuku lomdlalo othosiwe we-poblanao kanye neresiphi ye-corn guacamole 921 Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

45. I-Poblano egazingiwe kanye ne-Corn Guacamole

Ehlobo, izikhwebu zommbila ezintsha ziyindlela okufanele uhambe ngayo. Kodwa izikhwebu eziqandisiwe zizokwenza iqhinga uma kufika ubusika.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day ricotta phyllo rolls recipe Isithombe: Matt Dutile/Styling: Erin McDowell

46. ​​I-Ricotta-Stuffed Phyllo Rolls

Uma ungawutholi upelepele we-Peppadew ofakwe emanzini anosawoti, faka upelepele obomvu othosiwe esikhundleni.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Ultimate Cheese Plate With Roasted Grapes Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

47. I-Ultimate Cheese Plate namagilebhisi Agazisiwe

Amagilebhisi ajikijelwa ngamafutha omnqumo, izinongo kanye namakhambi amasha ngaphambi kokuba osiwe ukuze abe mnandi futhi abe mnandi.

Thola iresiphi

isitsha esikhulu sesitsha somdlalo usuku lwe-cheesy polenta luluma ama-brussels ahluma i-pancetta hero Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

48. I-Cheesy Polenta Bites ne-Brussels Sprouts kanye ne-Pancetta

Ngayinye ifana nengxenye yesinkwa sombila esicwebezelayo esifakwe ushizi wembuzi ne-pancetta.

Thola iresiphi

usuku lomdlalo we-super bowl snacks Skillet Nacho Dip Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

49. I-Skillet Nacho Dip

Awekho angcwatshiwe, ama-tortilla chips lapha. Ngale ndlela, yonke i-bite eyodwa iqhosha isilinganiso esiphelele se-topping-to-chip.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day mini deep dish pizza Damn Delicious

50. I-Mini Deep Dish Pizzas

Okudingekayo nje ama-tortilla ambalwa, okokugcoba kanye ne-muffin tin.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Mozzarella Bites Recipe U-Erin McDowell

51. Ukuluma kweMozzarella

Sasihweba ngezinti zendabuko zikashizi ukuze sithole i-mini bocconcini, eyaziwa nangokuthi i-pearl mozzarella. Futhi imiphumela iyathandeka impela.

Thola iresiphi

I-super bowl snacks game day Mini Quesadilla Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

52. AmaQuesadilla amancane

Ubani odinga ama-tortilla uma kune-uber-crispy wonton wrappers?

Thola iresiphi

Super bowl snacks game day Mini Chicken And Waffles Recipe U-Erin McDowell

53. Inkukhu encane nama-Waffles

Lokhu kungase kuhambe ngaphandle kokusho, kodwa singabeka izinhlangothi zesosi eshisayo nesiraphu ye-maple ukuze kucwiliswe futhi kucwiliswe.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Day Spicy Glazed Popcorn Chicken Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

54. Inkukhu ye-Popcorn Ecwebezelisiwe Enezinongo

Ephathini ye-Super Bowl, ayikho into efana nenkukhu ekulunywa kakhulu.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day boss bean dip recipe Emily Morgan

55. I-Boss Bean Dip kaSerena Wolf

Ukuzitika ngokukhohlisa futhi kulayishwe amaprotheni. Win-win.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Homemade Cheese Crackers Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

56. Ama-Cheese Crackers Asekhaya

Ngeke uphinde ubheke ama-crackers athengwe esitolo ngendlela efanayo uma usuwashaye ngemizuzu engama-35 nje.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Crispy Baked Chicken Burrito Recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

57. I-Crispy Baked Chicken Burritos

Zenzele okumbalwa okwengeziwe—zigcina efrijini isikhathi esingangenyanga.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day Buffalo Chicken Meatballs Recipe U-Erin McDowell

58. Inyama Yenkukhu Yenyathi

Ufuna ukuzitika ngamaphiko ayisigidi ngaphandle kokungcolisa izandla zakho? Hlangana ne-appetizer yakho entsha eyintandokazi ye-Super Bowl.

Thola iresiphi

Super bowl snacks game day Easy Beef Empanada Recipe U-Erin McDowell

59. Inyama yenkomo Empanadas

Njenge-taco esongwe ngenhlama kaphayi. Swoon .

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day churro bites with chocolate sauce recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

60. I-Churro Iluma ngeSauce kashokoledi

Asikaze sihlangane ne-churro esingazange sihlangane nayonjengeuthando. Kodwa lezi ezincane ezinikezwa idiphu kashokoledi enezithako ezimbili zithatha ikhekhe.

Thola iresiphi

super bowl snacks game day cake batter dip recipe Isithombe: Liz Andrew/Styling: Erin McDowell

61. I-Cake Batter Dip

Uma iqembu lakho liwina i-Super Bowl, lokho kubiza umgubho. Futhi uma iqembu lakho lilahlekelwa...kahle, ukufafaza kuhlala kusiza.

Thola iresiphi

OKUPHATHELENE: Ama-Appetizer angama-40 esixuku Alula futhi Angalindelekile

super isitsha ukudla okulula ushizi curds I-Creative Bite


Ungaphambuka kanjani ngepuleti lalawa manuggets ancibilikayo?

Thola iresiphi

super isitsha ukudla okulula ukholifulawa izilayidi ISITHOMBE: LIZ ANDREW/STYLING: ERIN MCDOWELL

63. Izilayidi zikakholifulawa ezigazingiwe

Izilayidi zosuku lwegeyimu ngokuvamile zigcwele ama-burgers noma inyama yengulube edonsiwe noma into enjalo. Kodwa uma usunambitha inguqulo yethu yekholifulawa egazingiwe, ngeke uphuthelwe inyama.

Thola iresiphi

super isitsha ukudla okulula fajitas ISITHOMBE: ERIC MORAN/STYLING: ERIN MCDOWELL

64. Skillet Chicken Fajitas

Uthando lwethu ngolwethu i-cast-iron skillet ugijima ujule. Senza i-pizza kuyo. Senza amakhukhi kuwo. Futhi manje senza le recipe yenkukhu fajita kuyo.

Thola iresiphi

super isitsha ukudla okulula wadonsa ingulube izilayidi Umgwaqo Ophuzi Bliss


Qala ngoFebhuwari ngokuluma kwasehlobo. I-coleslaw iyizingxenye ezilinganayo ezikhanyayo, eziqinile futhi eziqabulayo.

Thola iresiphi

I-Horoscope Yakho Yakusasa